Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Illuminati has been Terminated

April 5, 2013

I, Robert Hocker commanding officer of the GNA/GSA has terminated Illuminati and their associated gangs. Each Illuminati member will be killed; including Royal Families, Rothschild and other operatives..NOONE will survive of the Illuminati groups. Evidence gathered by the GSA will allow total termination immediately. There will No longer be operations performed by the operatives. The Families will also be killed; including women and children.All monies gathered and private possessions are now confiscated. Surrender is NOT an option. The GSA NEVER arrests anyone. When the GSA takes over operations, NOONE survives. ALL oerations are now terminated. Over 50% of the Illuminati operatives have been terminated. Their bodies have been identified. 

Preparing for the LAST War

April 3, 2013

There are too many people on the earth who think they can take control of the world and make people be their slaves. The MOST psychotic are the governments of Russia, United States, and China. They use mind programming to attempt to use people for their psychotic operations.Be VERY carefull who you meet, see, or are around. If possible, stay away from people as much as possible. Be reclusive until the war is finished. THAT may be only way to survive. Psychotic people, drug addicts and others are tained into taking over your mind while American governments use electronics to hold your mind open. They are ALL psychotic. Be Extremely cautious. Do NOT provide any assistance to ANY government operatives.Stay away from ALL persons you are NOT familiar with; and, be very alert of people you know. They MAY become terminated and used as a weapon against you.

Do NOT Store Gasoline in a van

March 19, 2013

When carrying gasoline, keep it in the open air . Do not carry it in a van or car. It may explode. Short periods of time in storage may not cause an expplosion; but, is still hazardous.

People Talking to “No One”

March 18, 2013

Have you ever seen people apparently walking around and talking to …No one? sometimes they may be on a cell phone, a dictating machine..or talking to people they are connected to in an electronic induced hologram. Very few are REALLY insane.

Admixturation termination

March 13, 2013

Obama and his gang of psychotic government opeatives are now killing my innocence by sending people’s spirits into mine. The operatives MUST be killed soon or there will be NO more hope worldwide. These operatives consist of children , gangs, and psychotic people on antipsychotic medications.

The Government as High Criminals

March 11, 2013

When it comes a time to speak to someone about repoerting a crime; it is usually a standard procedure to contact a government office; but, when it is a government defect commiting a crime, the government office sometimes looks in the other direction. In my case, a very corrupt group of eople performed extreme criminal activities. After contacting the governments numerous times [all the way up the chain of command to counterintelligence agencies], I was finally blamed for ALL of the crimes. The government keeps its “Top” operatives out of death row or prison by blaming witnesses and other peole who have too much knowledge of the operations. NOW, the government is terminated, I still am forcibly blamed for the operations. THAT behaviour has caused a massive genocide that is completely avoidable. In fact, the ‘TOP” operatives of Anonymous, illumicorp, counterintelligence, mafia, and other groups are STILL attempting my life; while raping, plundering, and killing innocent people. WHERE is this ocurring? At Texas City, Texas. It is the MOST dangerous place worldwide. There are 27 major world wars there. I, of course, being the LAST living operative, am a target located at 21st and Texas Avenue. NOONE is recommended to go near that location. NOONE has yet survived the attacks on them by the operatives.

The Killer Virus

March 7, 2013

The government is planningto use a virus that experimentally killed millions of college students and children nationwide a few years ago. I got the virus. It was a persistent flu.The flu lasted for 3 months with high fever of 103*F.I tried every herb to treat it. Nothing worked. After te 3rd month, I tried Probiotics. That completely healedme in 30 minutes. I tried it on others with the same result. Another virus was brought in. It was similar to a stomache flu. It was cured the same way.

The Last War

March 7, 2013

The government is using Defects to extract selected people by faked prosecutions. The next phase is to take the enemies and allies and force them to fight each other, Afterf a while, few will remain. They will be out of ; or, short of, ammo. When there are only a fewe remaining, thegovernment will kill them. The groups are being manipulated by propaganda, fake bank accounts, and other searched for items. The money will be taken away [except for the counterfeits the government is using to trade for good money] for the selected people. ALL known blamed “traitors” will be killed. Top electronics experts; as well as oter technological experts are held in Texas city, Texas near 21st street and Texas ave. They are too dangerous for escapage. They are guarded by top government operatives who are designed to kill anyone who interferes. After many deaths, more operatives have been brought in. They are attacking me presently.NO ONE can interfere.


Unbreakable Computer Codes of the Future

March 7, 2013

Other than shadowed Computer operating systems that utuilize a quarantine section for data, a hard drive static memory, and NO antivirus; there will be privacy passcodes that are unbreakable. The codes are designed to completely protect a computer from any infiltration. From simple single code codes that are designed to be entered as pixelic analyzed codes [codes that must be enteed exactly in size of he image, image components, and pixels down to 1 trillion pixels per square inch]; to the more “advanced” D.N.A. structural codes that use a box for hand entrance, a robotic laser blood lance, a robotic blood smear microscopic slide system, and a powerfull electron microscope to compare D.N.A. structures, codes will be designed for complete protectin from ANYONE. Simple codes are:[1] A perpetual code system that allows entrance by a passcode. If he passcode is incorrectly entered, the computer sets to a “defeat code” sequence which is a simple computer access “unlock” code. After the code is correctly enteed, the new passcode must be entered. If codes are incorrect, the operator must use defeat codes for each reset until the computer is back to its normal single passcode use. The passcode entered is a new code. Other codes I designed are much more advanced; yet very much simpler to use.

Illumicorp Corporation

March 7, 2013

Illumicorp with their “slave” workers are involved in extreme mind control techniques to attempt to take over the world, kill everyone; except 500 million of their specially chosen people, and enslave everyone into their operations. Their “conspiracy sites” are at:

Conspiracy Reality TV – Documentaries and Videos

Conspiracy documentaries and videos exposing the secrecy behind the institutions of global control. Subjects such as population control and depopulation, the Illuminati New World Order, government conspiracies, secret societies, one world government, suppressed technologies, UFOs, the 9/11 conspiracy, monetary control and more are revealed within.

Aftermath News Aftermath News has been created to expose the true workings of governments, political parties, organized crime, corporations, media, religions and other apparatuses of control. The reader is encouraged to outgrow the false Hegelian Left/Right paradigm, th  Armageddon Online  Beyond the Dial  Black Listed News Independent Media for Independent Minds  Conscious Ape Conscious Ape is the new Social Networking and Alternative Media Website for Conscious Apes worldwide. If you’re into CONSPIRACIES, the PARANORMAL, new and ALTERNATIVE WAYS OF THINKING, Conscious Ape is the place to be! Conspiracy Bits Remember a bit a day keeps the black helicopters away  Conspiracy Cards An Awakening center utilizing WMA Conspiracy Cards (Weapons of Mass Awakening) of crucial information from A to Z that may just save your life.  Conspiracy Pixels Free Conspiracy Website Link Mosaic  Corbett Report The Corbett Report provides a weekly podcast as well as interviews, articles and videos about current events and suppressed history from an independent perspective. To begin using the site, click on one of the stories in the gallery below or use the tabs  Documentaries Documentaries Countering propaganda  Food World Order  Freemason Books Freemason Books New releases and featured titles Center for Research on Globalization  Illuminati Archives Occult Media Athenaeum  Illuminati Conspiracy Archive The Illuminati has become synonymous with the one world conspiracy. Conspiracy Archive will keep tabs on the New World Order.  Infowars  Lets Roll 911 This is the new LetsRoll911 site  Mayan Majix Learn about the Mayan Calendar and the Evolution of Consciousness as presented by Ian Xel Lungold. Mayan Calendars, DVD’s, Mayan Astrology Reports and Articles updated daily to expand your consciousness!  Media Monarchy Transcending the Matrix Control System. Attaining spiritual freedom through knowledge, wisdom, and awareness.  nevernwo New World Order News Digest  New World Oder  Nibiru Planet X  NYUFO NYUFO is a non profit website created with an honest attempt to present articles & fresh links on the subjects of Unidentified Flying Objects/Conspiracy Theories & Underground Computer Technology  Paranormal and UFO Directory is the largest paranormal and UFO directory. Where the Paranormal meets Conspiracy  Reality-Choice Draw a parallel between two visions of the world, two realities through the news. Reflection and exchange of views on human reality and our relationship to the world.  Search For Truth News, alternative views and conspiracy theory  The Atlantean Conspiracy Exposing the Illuminati from Atlantis to 2012  The Tower of Babel “Apathy Kills!” Fighting the 9/11 initiated New World Order through Awareness and Global Non-compliance”.  TheRevolution.US The intent of this site is to be a space for people that are dissatisfied with the status quo we live in to learn and to discuss what steps might be taken to make things a bit more tolerable.  Third Eye Concept CURRENT EVENTS, ANCIENT MYSTERIES, THE UNEXPLAINED, CONSPIRACY THEORIES, MOVIE LOUNGE & MORE. Top Conspiracy Sites Exposing the best websites for “Conspiracies, Conspiracy Theory, Cover-ups, Collusion and Hidden Secrets”  UFO Digest UFO Digest searches the Internet for proof of UFOs and the paranormal and publishes videos, in depth interviews and insightful articles on a variety of unexplainable phenomenon. We also have regular contributors: Dennis G. Balthaser, Cristoforo Barbato  UFO Magazine News for the Fews  Vigilant Citizen Symbols rule the world, not words nor laws News of the unusual, unexplained, and under reported  What Really Happened

Their conspiracy archives are located at: Illumicorp is a very potentially dangerous group. They intend to take over the world; but, by using others in wars against each oter. They are presently being regulated. illumicorp is a “billionaire” based group of people who are attempting to use the “loweer class” people astheir slaves; while gathering everything for themselves.