The Government as High Criminals

When it comes a time to speak to someone about repoerting a crime; it is usually a standard procedure to contact a government office; but, when it is a government defect commiting a crime, the government office sometimes looks in the other direction. In my case, a very corrupt group of eople performed extreme criminal activities. After contacting the governments numerous times [all the way up the chain of command to counterintelligence agencies], I was finally blamed for ALL of the crimes. The government keeps its “Top” operatives out of death row or prison by blaming witnesses and other peole who have too much knowledge of the operations. NOW, the government is terminated, I still am forcibly blamed for the operations. THAT behaviour has caused a massive genocide that is completely avoidable. In fact, the ‘TOP” operatives of Anonymous, illumicorp, counterintelligence, mafia, and other groups are STILL attempting my life; while raping, plundering, and killing innocent people. WHERE is this ocurring? At Texas City, Texas. It is the MOST dangerous place worldwide. There are 27 major world wars there. I, of course, being the LAST living operative, am a target located at 21st and Texas Avenue. NOONE is recommended to go near that location. NOONE has yet survived the attacks on them by the operatives.

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